Through exposure to articles, blogs, Facebook posts, and verbal discussions I have learned that many gamers, perhaps even the majority of us, play the same game year after year. There are GMs who only run some variant of D&D and players who only play Pathfinder. On occasion there are those who play a select set of games and rest assured if they are not partaking in a game of Traveller then they have gone back to D&D, Rolemaster, or any one of a small grouping of titles.
While I can understand this intellectually, the very idea is anathema to me. It goes against the very fabric of my being. It serves only to drain my creativity, harsh my mellow, and give me a case of the melancholy hum-drums. Yes. It's that serious.
At the same time, this is exactly what has been happening to me.
Over the past year or two I've been jumping back and forth from Traveller to my homebrew D&D setting of Aerth and from there to Star Trek, and so forth. There are perhaps four or five games that I keep bouncing between, occasionally broken up by an experimental one shot here and there.
At least that's how it feels.
Honestly though, when was the last time I actually ran a Mekton campaign? Space:1889? Paranoia? I've yet to run Tales from the Loop, and I was super stoked to do so not that long ago.
Oh you realize that means I now...own a game I haven't played or run. Have Mercy! What will become of me?!?
I need out of this funk and I need out of it fast, and the way that's going to happen is by running something...something...different.
But what?
For those of you who always or at least often play the same game(s), how do you do it? How come you don't get bored? How do you keep it fresh?
For those of you in a similar state to my own, how do you do when you're feeling burnt out on the same old song and dance?
Barking Alien