Friday, December 20, 2024

31 Questions for Barking Alien - Question 14

Smurf it all!

Excuse my Smurf but I'm totally smurfed by the fact that I can't figure out who smurfed me this question. If you supplied it or any smurf knows who did, please don't hesitate to smurf me. 

What upcoming RPG are you most excited for?

Whatever could it be?

The game I am anticipating above all others is Maestro Media's The Smurfs RPG, a Kickstarter that made over 135,000 dollars with over 1000 backers, resulting in a game that was about 1000% funded. Now that's impressive but it doesn't automatically make for a good game.

Luckily, it is a good game. Actually, it's a great game! 

Rules-lite? Check.
Not too rules-lite? Check.
Mechanics that reflect the Smurfs comics and cartoons? Check.
Base building rules? Check.

Say what now?

This game has rules for creating and fleshing out your very own Mushroom Cottage Smurf House! They didn't have to do that but WOW, they did it anyway and that's just so cool. 

With the addition of Smurfberries, Thorns, and Smurf Power, the Smurfs RPG does exactly what I want IP games to do: Create a link between the fluff and the crunch that reinforces the feel of the setting while still providing a fully functional gaming experience.

Add to all this my affection for the original Franco-Belgian Comics by Peyo, French and Belgian Folklore, and of course the comedic aspects and you have a game pretty much made for me.

I would also like to point out that I've rarely seen a publisher with such excellent customer communication and interaction. They have literally listened to the fan on more than one occasion and are sharing the game's design and production process with us as they go. Truly appreciated, inspiring, and of course smurfy. 

I look forward to smurfing around again in the very near future...

Barking Alien

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