Saturday, January 4, 2025

31 Days / 31 Characters - DEENO

Are you enjoying the new Star Wars Disney+ series 'Skeleton Crew'? I clearly am...

Character: Deeno

AKA: Captain Deeno, Formerly 'Quasar 3' 

Player: Adan Dickstein

System: Star Wars, The Roleplaying Game (D6 System, West End Games), 2nd Edition
Nature: Not yet applicable.

Gamemaster: Not yet applicable

Circa: December 25, 2024. Not yet used.

Origins: Pretty simple: As soon as I saw Roona, the little Vazooan girl that Neel has a crush on in the first episode of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, I knew I want to make a character of that species. Aside from being adorable, I wondered why that alien in particular was found on the same 'Old Republic' planet as Star Wars mainstays such as the Ithorians and Rodians. 

As far a role or job, I'm almost always going to go for a Pilot when playing Star Wars, which I'll be honest isn't the brightest idea on my part. I've found that few GMs know how to include a Pilot on a team of non-pilots. For this reason, Deeno is built more like a Smuggler than a Brash Pilot. 

Backstory: I don't have details on Deeno's childhood or his background prior to the Galactic Civil War but during the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire, Deeno became a Starfighter Pilot serving with Quasar Squadron. He was eventually given the position of Quasar 3 and fought in a number of battles in the Outer and Mid-Rim regions. 

Following the fall of the Empire, Deeno purchased a used Light Freighter, customized it a bit, and then used it to make supply runs to areas on the Mid-Rim border struggling with post-war rebuilding. After a few run-ins with members of the Imperial Remnant, Deeno teamed up with other independant spacers to help keep New Republic citizens safe. 

'Shyyyo's Nest'
YX-950 Industrial Freighter,
Design by EC Henry

Overview: In many ways, Deeno is kind of a generic Star Wars character. There really isn't much here to work with but then again, that's kind of the point. When it comes to Star Wars, I don't like developing massive backstories. I like to learn about my character as I play, adding a personality and history over the course of the game. This is pretty common for me across settings actually but especially in Star Wars. Why? Well, partly because I would just be so happy to play an Alien Star Pilot in the Star Wars universe that this alone is all I'd need to get excited about my character. 

The Highlights: None yet. 

Game Info: 

I've built many dozens of custom player character Templates for the Star Wars D6 RPG since the game's debut in 1987. The fact that you can easily do so is one of the reasons I absolutely love this game. It's also one of the reasons that I grew to look down on systems that use 'Classes' without giving you simple, straightforward mechanics for building your own. 

'Vazooan Star Pilot' is based on a mix of the Smuggler, Brash Pilot, and a few other related Templates given in various official West End Games products. The species Special Ability is, as noted, my own creation. 

Notes: As I mentioned above, Deeno was inspired by Roona, a character seen in the first episode of Skeleton Crew. According to information on the Star Wars/Lucasfilm official website, Roona is a Vazooan. They are noted for their large black eyes, large ears, and small antennae resembling giraffe horns. They come in different colors: blue, brown, light purple, and of course green, My thinking is the species evolved from a nocturnal creature often preyed upon by fast and deadly nightime predators. To counter these beasts, the Vazooan's ancestors developed heightened senses of various sorts. This is reflected in their Limited Danger Sense [noted on their character sheet]. 

Legacy: Legacy? I haven't played him yet. I do hope he lives long enough and does well enough to have a legacy though. I like him.  

Barking Alien

1 comment:

  1. I've found that few GMs know how to include a Pilot on a team of non-pilots

    I'm under the impression that a lot of GMs struggle with vehicle rules in general (no matter the game) and try to avoid them. This may be a good theme for a future post ;-).

    That said, the "recipe" for Star Wars d6 adventures prescribed at least one space combat and at least one chase in each adventure. A pilot is always needed!
