February is over and March is here, 'The Month of Living Again'.
March represents, from a certain perspective, the road to renewal following the cold, dark months of Winter. The phrase itself embodies the promise of Spring and the idea that rebirth and a fresh start are on the horizon.
What? It's the 11th already?!? F*@%!
I can't pinpoint the exact reason why but I am struggling to blog lately. I have a ton of thoughts and ideas on a variety of subjects but I am not enthusiastic about any of them to put them to post
About the only gaming subject I am actively excited about is my take on the Smurfs RPG. The thing is, I am not so blinded by my personal preferences that I don't realize how niche this game is. While it may be the only thing I want to write about, I know very few of you out there have any interest in reading about it*.
That's fine. More for me.
Where does that leave the blog though?
Damned if I know. More likely then not you're gonna see some Smurf posts anyway as that's just what's on my mind. Maybe accompanied by the occasional usual unusual mix of Star Trek, Ghostbusters, Supers, and Japanese TRPGs. Just know it's going to continue to be irregular for a while until I can sort out whatever this tabletop RPG malaise is that I'm experiencing.
Fingers crossed that it passes quickly.
Barking Alien