Thursday, March 20, 2025

Something Borrowed, Something Blue

I am so smurfed I can barely smurf myself! I got to smurf the Smurf RPG as a Smurf!

What? Why are you confused? It's simple...

I am part of a private Discord Channel dedicated to the SMURFS tabletop RPG and this past Saturday I got the chance to play as a Player in a game run by one of my fellow group members, the great Stephen R. (I think you're great Stephen. That's what's important). I've run the game a number of times now but this is the first time I've gotten to play my own character (I also helped one of the others create their character and kind of inspired the name of another. I helped!). 

The adventure may be somewhat familiar to some of you...heheh.

Inspired by the Dungeons and Dragons Module B3 Palace of the Silver Princess, the tale has been seriously reworked for use as a Smurfs adventure and so far its a blast. Literally in the case of my character. 

The original module has a fascinating history, with its original printing in 1980 being recalled and all copies disposed of (I kid you not). The second version came out in 1981, the same year as the Smurfs Animated Series, which is one of the reasons Stephen chose it for this mini-campaign. 

Another factor that drew Stephen to this adventure is that its leans more towards a Fairy Tale in the flavor of its setting and narrative and not D&D's typical Sword and Sorcery vibe. It is therefore much easier to adapt and modify to the world of the Smurfs than 'Slave Pits of the Undercity' or 'Tomb of Horrors' might be. 

Finally, unlike many modules from back in the early days of the hobby, Palace of the Silver Princess has a distinct story. It's less of a sandbox and more an adventure designed to tell the tale of a fallen kingdom, a magic curse, and a trapped princess. 

Our first session opened with a narration by Storyteller Smurf (the GM that is):

'Once upon a time, in a place known as 'The Cursed Lands', there lived tiny, blue people known as the Smurfs.

Late one cold night in early Spring, Papa Smurf awoke in a fright..."

Papa Smurf immediately runs downstairs and throws open the front door of his cottage. He shouts, "My Smurfs! My Smurfs! Come quickly please!"

Within three hoots of an owl the entire village is standing in front of Papa Smurf's house, all whispering and murmuring and wondering what's going on.

"Are you alright Papa Smurf?", asks Smurfette.

"Is it Gargamel?", questions Hefty, crackling his knuckles.

"Now, now everyone", Brainy begins, "I'm sure Papa Smurf has a reasonable explanation for calling us here in the middle of the night. As Papa Smurf always says..."; before he can finish Papa Smurf clears his throat loudly and says...

"I had an awful, a vision! I must ask, did any of you have bad dreams tonight? Did you see images of Green Fairies, a Red Eye, or a White Dragon?"

A hush fell over the gathering at that moment before three hands went up - one quickly, one politely, and one reluctantly. Papa Smurf requested those three Smurfs step forward and so they did: Brash Smurf, Suave Smurfs, and Apathy Smurf.

"Hmm. I expected two more...but this will do for now". With this, Handy walked over and gave Papa Smurf a box to stand on so he could address everyone even more clearly. 

"In the Land Beyond to the West of the us, there was once a kingdom called Haven. It was ruled by Princess Argenta of the Silver Hair. The Silver Princess was kind and wise and beloved not only by her people but the Dwarfs of Thundertop Mountain and Fairy Protectors of Haven Woods. 

One day, a handsome young man with golden hair and black armor flew down on a White Dragon. He courted the Silver Princess who quickly fell in love with him and the two planned to wed. 

On the day of the wedding, the Dwarfs of Thundertop gave Argenta a gift to show their adoration for her and their hope for her happiness. They called it 'The Lady's Heart'; a ruby sphere as big as plum. Moved by their kindness, she expected."

"WOW! What a story!", said Brash Smurf aloud. "This the first I've ever never heard of Haven."

"I must say dear Smurf, I have not heard of it either. This Silver Princess sounds most delightful and charming to be sure", whispered Suave Smurf.

" that it? Can we go back to sleep?", Apathy asked under his breath, trying to stiffle a yawn. 

Papa Smurf fixed them with a glare before continuing. "Moments after saying their vows, the Silver Princess and Dragon Rider Knight - along with everyone else in the Kingdom of Haven - were engulfed in a brilliant red flash! Each and every person, animal, and being present at the time...vanished!"

The crowd of shifted nervously and gave each other frightened looks.

"That was ten years ago apparently. I have learned from my vision, my dreadful dream, that the people of Haven are still there, trapped in a magic curse. The Green Fairy Protectors continue to watch over the valley where Haven resides and have told me a great evil has been building within the Palace of the Silver Princess. It will be released soon unless those destined adventurers with heroic hearts can free the Kingdom."

After a few heartbeats, Apathy, Brash, and Suave realized all the other Smurfs were looking at them. 

"!?", blurted Apathy.

"YES! Of course us!", exclaimed Brash, slapping Apathy on the back and nearly knocking him over.

Suave spoke up next, tossing back his head and flashing a debanoir smile. "Dare I say, a smashing idea! I'll need a few days to figure out what to wear and prepare a speech for when I meet this Silver Princess."

"No, you must go tomorrow at first light! Time is of the essence my little Smurfs!"

As if on que, the gathering of Smurfs heard the foot falls and tail swish of an approaching Marten, with two Smurf Girls from Smurfy Grove riding on its back. Dismounting and thanking the creature, they walked up to Papa Smurf. One nodded firmly, while the other did a clumsy curtsey.

"Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! Smurfwillow done sent us here. She had a vision tonight and the two of us had strange and scary dreams", said one of the Smurf Grove Girls. She was dressed in a red checkered shirt and blue cotton pants. Her friend had a tan dress and looked uneasy. "Oh dang, sorry, where are my manners...?"

"Where indeed?", whispered Suave Smurf disapprovingly.

"I'm Smurfhoneysuckle and this here's Smurfcornflower. Smurfwillow said ya'all'd know what this was all about."

"Of course! You two were the others in my vision! Now the quest to save Haven, and perhaps all of us, can truly begin?", exclaimed Papa Smurf.

Smurfcornflower raised an eyebrow. "Save what now?"

The next morning our five 'Chosen' Smurfs met at the North Western edge of Smurf Village, along with Papa Smurf, Brainy, and Smurfeffe. They stood together near a secret path through the Sarsaparilla Fields that would eventually lead to the Land Beyond.

The group chatted a bit, trying to get to know each other better and discuss this fantastic situation. Each had pouches and backpacks filled with travel and camping essentials. They all planned to stop off at Smurfy Grove so Honeysuckle and Cornflower could pick up a few things from home, as well as get extra food for the journey.

They were given a map by Brainy that gave the quickiest and safest route to Haven. Papa Smurf warned of dangers they might face, from difficult terrain to strange beasts. Smurfette gave them each a hug (except Suave, to whom she gave a curtsey as he in turn bowed to her). 

"Good luck my little Smurfs", said Papa Smurf, "Safe travels."

Barking Alien