Monday, July 31, 2023

RPGaDay 2023 - Content Anniversary

It's time for the RPGaDay Challenge for 2023 and it's the 10th Anniversary of the event! Happy Anniversary!!!

OK, hmmm...Happy may be a bit much. Cheerful? Glad? Content? Content Anniversary seems more appropriate.

For the big 10th Anniversary we get...the same kind of prompts we've seen the last few years. I mean, they're not terrible but they don't seem particularly gripping. Many of them seem like questions that have come up on dozens of times before, even from this particular event. I may answer some of them together in a single post as they basically ask variations of the same question.

I think some of these can be fun but I am a tad disappointed it isn't something even more special. I do see a few interesting ones, mostly later on down the line.

OK, let's give this the benefit of the doubt and see what comes of it. 

Stay tuned,

Barking Alien

1 comment:

  1. All of the questions from this year's event are the same as those from ten years ago, with the exception that one word in each question is in boldface so you can respond to that as a prompt instead of answering the question. It's also suggested you can compare your answers with those of 2013 (if you participated) or what you think your answers might have been in 2013 (if you didn't participate).
