Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sad GM is Sad - But Not About GMing

Great Bird of The Galaxy and Allfather's Beard I do so despise Windows 8.

Frustrating to use when it does anything you want it to at all, it is also incompatible with half the programs I had on my old computer and does wonders with formatting for my blog. By 'wonders' I mean, of course, that it is a wonder that the creators and programmers of this monstrosity are allowed to wipe their own butts since I wouldn't put it past them to mess up something that simple either.

Anyway, as I stated in the previous post, these next two weeks or so will likely be light as I decide exactly what I am going to do in regards to my current computer dilemma. Most likely I will be uninstalling this OS (and I use the term OS very loosely here) and installing Windows 7 and some version of Office prior to '365'. I have not made a definitive decision on that latter part. I simply know that Office 365 was made to go with Windows 8 and based on the poor design and performance of that, the idea of using Office 365 has me more than a little wary.


In other news, I also have a few personal things to take care of, which will also contribute to the lightness of posts for the next two weeks. Don't worry all you cool cats and kidding kittens, your chronically hip Barking Alien is fit and fine. I just have to make some serious changes around here and I need time to do it.


Yeah, life has me feeling kind of blue and for a Green Dog, that's no fun let me tell you.

On a positive notes, actually two positive notes, our second Traveller session went well and we are starting up a new Champions campaign in the very near future (completely unrelated to the previous one).

These things (and my dog) make me smile.


Fret not, I will be by periodically to toss out some bizarre thought, crazy campaign idea or simply remind you all that I ain't dead. Nice of me I think.

Later days,


Barking Alien


  1. By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged!

  2. I'd likes to play the Champions...

    (GopherDave is now SadGopher because he lives a time zone away from BA...)

    1. Nothing sadder than a SadGopher. :(

      One day...

  3. Hate when they "improve" software...even when it works, half the changes just seem to be moving things fromwhere I'm used to seeing them to somewhere counterintuitive.

    1. Have you noticed this with, oh, virtually everything?

      We improved Champions with the (Not Quite As Cool) Champions 6th Edition.

      We improved DC Comics with the (Not Nearly As Cool) New 52.

      We improved Windows with the (Not Made By People Who Need to Use Computers) Windows 8.

      Some things get better with age, like wine.

      Some things rot with age, like the carcass of a dead fish.

    2. My wife bought me Champions Complete for Christmas...I think I'll keep using 4th edition.

      Some things are best just left as is. The original Star Wars movie comes to mind.

      Even wine eventually turns into vinegar.

  4. Yeah, at one time upgrades seemed to be an effort to fix problems - call it "need-based". Now they're part of a planned product upgrade cycle regardless of what problems might actually need to be solved and regardless of what users want. This seems to happen with Windows, software in general, and games too nowadays. The other approach seems to be opportunity-based: Savage Worlds technically changes the edition whenever they reprint the main book but the changes are usually pretty small, and Champions 6th where it was "hey we got a bunch of money from selling the rights - let's print a new version" and for some reason they made a notable number of changes that impacted backwards compatibility.

    I'm all for improvement and progress in both software and "paperware" but so many of these upgrades are answers to questions that not many are asking. I can see some point to it with software as the company can "force" an update after a time by letting their product go unsupported. With games it just means I stop buying the product and continue to play with the version I already have. My Bio-Optical Organized Knowledge devices are OS-independent!

    1. Exactly why I stick with real books. Plus if the Power goes out and I can still keep going.
