Thursday, August 29, 2024

Failing Forward

As you can see, I am not going to be able to complete the RPGaDay Challenge for 2024. It simply wasn't in the cards this year for a variety of reasons.

My real life personal and work schedules were much more unpredictable and irregular than has been usual for a typical August of the past few years. 

When I have had time to think about gaming my thoughts were focused on very specific topics and not the general subjects some of the RPGaDay prompts might suggest.

I still haven't going back to my 31 Days/31 Characters Japanese Pop Culture Edition Challenge and that's frustrating. So much so that I keep thinking about that project more than this one.

In conclusion, I'm sorry I wasn't able to best this challenge this year but also not so much as I had to create my own prompts just to kinda be into it [given everything I mentioned].

I expect to be a bit more prolific with my posts in September as I have a lot of cool ideas and new game experiences to share. Get ready for discussions galore and a return to some of the previous endeavors I've left uncompleted.

That's all for now.

Barking Alien


  1. I think you may have had a Eureka moment there. If you can't even bring yourself to finish YOUR OWN RPGaDAY perhaps it's time to just not get involved with it each year.

    "Hate-blogging"/snarking a challenge that's supposed to encourage positivity around the hobby kind of misses the point... by a very wide margin ;-)

    Your writing is WAY, WAY, MAY more interesting, inspirational, and engaging when you're writing about something you love (superheroes, anime, Japanese sci-fi etc) and that's what I miss when you're forcing yourself to slog through this annual challenge.

    1. Wise words my friend and ones I will heed next year. I think this will be my last RPGaDay unless they make some major change to it that I find actually inspiring and worthwhile.

      I do have a lot of things I want to discuss and this whole thing has been holding me back from them instead of propelling me onward.

  2. Dude, no need to apologize...just post what you like, and we'll read!
