Saturday, August 17, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 - Barking Alien Edition - Day 9

 "Few people make a change from a position of comfort."

The phrase above, told to me by one of my uncles, is one that has always stuck with me. Why would you change what you're doing if what you're doing is comfortable and, at least to some extent, makes you happy. Of course, comfort and happiness are not synonymous. You can become so used to a less than desirable situation such that it begins to feel comfortable even if it isn't good for you in the long run.

Let's keep this light though and talk about how this applies to gaming.

Usually a Gamer will stick with a game that gives them a feeling of comfort. It may have been their first game, the game they played most often in their formative years, the only game in town, or any number of other variables. It doesn't have to be a great game, though it might be. The key is they think and feel that its a great game partly do to their familiarity with it. What counts is that its comfortable. 

Now, maybe the gamer we're talking about here has never been introduced to or even come across any other games. Maybe they've tried a few others and they just didn't click. Maybe they play other games from time to time on the [irregular] regular but always go back to their comfort game.

Is there anything wrong with that? No. Not at all. Whatever makes you happy, right? However, if it isn't making you happy and you stick with it only because it's comfortable, then I highly recommend giving some others games a try. Leave that Comfort Zone and who knows what might happen? You might find a new favorite or you might just gain a new appreciation for your old one. 

Even I have a Comfort Zone, although 'Zones' might be accurate. I really love trying out new games, even if I don't end up loving them all. At the same time, as I've mentioned in the past, I usually circle back to Star Trek, Star Wars, Superheroes (especially Champions), Traveller, Ghostbusters, Mecha, and Anime Comedy. Nowadays I'd add ALIEN to that list. Might be getting back to the Smurfs soon.

Hmm. That's a lot of zones. I'm kind of proud of that. 

What are yours?

Barking Alien 

BONUS FEATURE: Day 9 of the official RPGaDay 2024 Prompts:

I...have no idea. Honestly, as I noted on the previous post, accessories aren't a major thing or draw for me. I'd like to see one so useful that I, Adam, would want to by it. 

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