Saturday, August 17, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 - Barking Alien Edition - Day 10

 Here's a toughy...

Is there a genre I've never played or run? Never? I honestly can't think of one. Hmm.

Comedy - Ghostbusters, Paranoia, Teenagers from Outer Space, Toon.
Crime/Detective/Thriller - Crimefighters, Gangbusters, Justice Inc. 
Cyberpunk - Cyberpunk 2020, Metal Head, 
Fantasy - D&D (Various Editions), Pathfinder, Runequest, Sword World.
Historical - Wild West (Boot Hill, Savage Worlds), World War II (Recon). 
Historical Fantasy - Ars Magica, Bushido, Pendragon.
Horror - ALIEN, Call of Cthulhu, Chill. 
Post-Apocalypse - Aftermath, Apocalypse World, Twilight: 2000. 
Science Fantasy - Gamma World*, Metamorphosis Alpha*, Shadowrun, Star Wars.
Science Fiction - Space Opera, Star Frontiers, Star Trek, Traveller.
Steampunk (with or without Fantasy) - Castle Falkenstein, Gear Antique, Space: 1889. 
Superheroes - Champions, Godlike, Golden Heroes, Mutants and Masterminds, Villains and Vigilantes.

*Gamma World and Metamorphosis Alpha are too fantastical to be considered really Post-Apocalypse for the purposes of this list IMHO. 

This is just a handful of the games I've run and played (mostly run). It doesn't even cover Espionage (James Bond, Top Secret), Mecha (Mechwarrior, Mekton, Wares Blade), or Modern Day Action (Feng Shui, Burning Spirits, Streetfighter). 

I really questioned myself into a corner here didn't I? 

Can anyone think of a genre I didn't cover?

Barking Alien

BONUS FEATURE: Day 10 of the official RPGaDay 2024 Prompts:

See on TV? a commercial? Do people still watch network TV? I don't understand this question. 

If you mean in a fashion similar to Actual Play videos on YouTube I still couldn't answer as there is a thing called YouTube. That's where these play. I'm not really into watching them unless its to learn how a game is played when I'm having trouble grokking the rules. Beyond that, I don't really care for Actual Play. 

Now if you mean a show based on a TRPG, well I'd love to see a big budget, well done Traveller series on Netflix. That'd be prett cool. 

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