Monday, January 3, 2011

Returning to Drydock

When I mentioned in my last post that I want to run Star Trek again, I received a surprisingly large and supportive number of comments. Surprising since these comments didn't come from those people who I have previously shown interest in my Star Trek RPG posts but largely 'new faces' as it were.

One commentor, Fred Herman, asked where I'd be running this game and I said that it would most likely be in New Jersey with my NJ crew. Then it hit me after a moment...I have not idea if that's true. I simply want to run Star Trek again. I have not idea if anyone would want to play it. With all the different ideas for games being bounced around by my group(s) these days I don't know if I'll even get the chance to run Star Trek this year.

Honestly though, that would suck. I mean, I'm really looking forward to working on Aliens & Astrobases and my own Project X game. I'm dying to try Fiasco and Apocalypse World. Its been ages since I ran a Mekton game and I wouldn't mind adding some Bliss Stage to that bad boy. I could name a hundred games that I haven't played in a while and new ones I haven't gotten to explore yet. That said...damn I want to run Star Trek.

I think Star Trek is the closest I come to my old school roots. Its my D&D. I played it a lot as a 'kid' (12 and onward) and will still play it at the drop of a hat given the chance. I've mentioned before that its probably the game or at least the setting I've played the most over the years.

I've decided to go back to basics, return to Drydock and really give the idea of running it again the once over. Using my own guidelines as I suppose...I'm starting to think of how I want to go about doing a new campaign. What era, what ship, what's the theme or focus and that sort of thing.

I'm not sure yet is my answer so far. I haven't decided. Something's cooking up in there though I can feel it...

Stay tuned.

Barking Alien


  1. Hey, BA. Go for it. I'm feeling the same urge myself and look forward to following you on your voyage.

  2. Well, I first came to your blog time ago when looking for information about Star Trek RPG, althought I have never played the game. Now, I find this may be a signal, since I just started to watch TOS (the fourth ST show in my count), have a couple of friends that have show interest in playing a Sci-Fi game, and I have at last finished reading the CODA corebooks. So, no need to say, I'll be more than interested in reading you.

    Disclaimer: Yes, I'm somewhat a late comer to Star Trek, but to watch the series and to play the games I first had to learn English XD

  3. Well, I first came to your blog time ago when looking for information about Star Trek RPG, althought I have never played the game. Now, I find this may be a signal, since I just started to watch TOS (the fourth ST show in my count), have a couple of friends that have show interest in playing a Sci-Fi game, and I have at last finished reading the CODA corebooks. So, no need to say, I'll be more than interested in reading you.

    Disclaimer: Yes, I'm somewhat a late comer to Star Trek, but to watch the series and to play the games I first had to learn English XD

  4. @Steve- Thanks man. I'm more and more inspired and encouraged to do this the more I think about it. Reponses from the viewers really help.

    @Valerius- Wow! Congratulations on learning to speak my three favorite languages - English, Star Trek and Role Playing Game!>.<

    CODA is a pretty good system but if you get the chance check out ICON by Last Unicorn Games. Its the system I use most often and I find it a bit easier to run.

  5. I ran a short lived pbp game using the USS Exeter. This was at the time after Captain Tracy had sacrificed his crew, the ship had been brought back to a starbase and swept for any bugs. The crew was a fresh crew but kept finding little left overs from the former crew lending to the belief that it might have been haunted. The game fizzled, my fault, but there were some really great moments in there.

    I would try that again if I could I used the simple d20 where no man has gone before rules. They were simple and worked pretty well once we took some of the campiness out.

  6. As a member of the "Jersey Crew", I would recommend sticking with your original idea of "D&D for those who hate D&D". Barring that, mayhap more Galaxy Quest.

  7. Or GODS IN LONG UNDERWEAR. Really want to play that, again.

  8. Always wanted to play in a Trek game that was actually about damn well exploring new worlds. (Can't say I've been happy about the direction of any of the current Trek continuations--the novels, STO or the movie--even when they've been perfectly good in themselves, as they mostly are.)

  9. @Fred- Totally agree with you. I remember when Star Trek was about Science Fiction. Does that make me old? (~_^)

    @RavenFeast- Heheh. Yeah, I owe you guys a trip to somewhere else. You've definitely saved up enough frequent flyer miles from previous Star Trek campaigns. Still, I think its kind of touching that when I think of my favorite game I automatically think of the NJ gang. My favorite team for my favorite setting.

    Besides, who can play an extroverted, warm, friendly, vaguely humanoid, squid science officer like you Allen. Seriously.

  10. @BA @Fred - You old?! Oh, my lumbago!

    @BA @RF - Because we've all discovered that me being captain is, well, boring. ;)

  11. Ah but its more than that. You being a freakish alien is high end entertainment!

    Don't sell yourself short. You are the king of the bizarre culture, multi-appendaged whatsit.
