Monday, January 2, 2012

All Was Quiet, On New Years Day

I overlooked posting on New Years Day because I was far to busy doing pretty much nothing at all.

Now, as many regulars of Barking Alien know, doing nothing is not an easy task for me. It takes quite a bit of concentration, preparation and devotion to the task.

That said I think I did a pretty fine job of it.

I did manage to spend time with my girl, my dog, play some Star Wars: The Old Republic and work on some upcoming ideas for posts for this month and the coming year. My main goal of posting more often is probably going to be achieved by posting shorter entries. At least in part that is.

With that in to you later.

Barking Alien


  1. Glad you got to be with your honey bunny, and your pup. Personally, I enjoy doing the short posts. In fact, sometimes I just take pictures of my feet.

    Happy 2012, my friend.

  2. I will take that advice into consideration. ;)
