Monday, May 30, 2011

Muppet Mondays! - Unstrung

Hey all.

Life has been rough on me this month and it doesn't look to be letting up anytime soon.

To make ends meet I've been taking all available work, which pretty much means I've been working between six and seven days a week, sometimes for 8-10 hours. While that may not seem like a lot to some, I spend most of it either walking or otherwise on my feet. It's not so much mentally exhausting as physically exhausting, which in the end can be mentally exhausting.

So I'm feeling a bit unstrung.

In an attempt to 're-string', I checked out this

It made me smile.

And than I find out I've been approved to run 'The Muppet Show' at NerdNYC's RECESS.

Things are looking up.

Now rest...

Barking Alien

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