Thursday, August 24, 2023

RPGaDay Challenge 2023 - Day 24


The most complex game I play is Champions, specifically the 4th Edition of the game. I am currently running a campaign that is now a little over 2 years old. 

I would say Champions is the complex game I like the most, as generally speaking I don't like overly rules heavy, complicated games. I tend to prefer my RPGs a bit more rules lite but more on that below.

The simplest game I currently play is our Hogwarts/Wizarding World homebrew where I am a player. Inspired by Apocalypse World and other similar systems, its basically a base 2D6 roll plus additional dice added for traits or skills and then you only take the highest two results. A 2 is a Critical Failure/Botch, 3-5 is a Failure, a 6-8 is a Partial Success, 10-11 is a Success, and 12 is 'Boxcars', a Critical Success. 

There is a little more to it but honestly not that much. I like it a lot. The system leans in to a narrative feel most of the time and works really well for the setting and the type of stories our GM and group are telling. 

Throughout my time in the hobby I - and I'm sure a great many others - have forever chased the holy grail of the sweet spot between simple and complex rules. Of course, everyone's sweet spot is different and we're not all seeking the same point on the line between 'Flip a Coin' and 'Page 63, Paragraph 4, Reference Table 3B of the Comparative Combat Encumbrance Modifier Chart'.

I think my perfect RPG would start at the midway point between Faery's Tale Deluxe and Phoenix Command and then lean slightly more towards the rule-lite side. As mentioned in previous posts, the closest I've found has been games like Star Wars D6 and Star Trek Adventures. That said, I also love the simpler ALIEN RPG and the complex game Ars Magica.

We like what we like. 

Barking Alien

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