Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Love Letter to Japan

I've caught the Anime/Manga/Japanese Pop Culture bug again something fierce and you know who benefits most from this? You all! How? Well, once again I'm going to be posting some (hopefully) interesting Japanese Tabletop RPG ideas insights, and information in the month of January 2024!

Planned highlights include:

Additionally I'll be doing the 31 Days / 31 Characters Challenge but with an Otaku twist! Each of the characters presented will be from either a JTRPG I've played or run or an American TRPG I played/ran that was Japanese History and/or Pop Culture inspired. 

From the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s my Role Playing Game experiences were heavily influenced by Japanese animation and comic books. While not every game was a full on 'Anime RPG', nearly all of the games I ran [and lots that I played] during this time benefitted from our exposure to Japanese Fandom Entertainment. 

Get ready to see characters, both Player and Non-Player alike, from games and settings such as Blade of ArcanaDragonballMAID, Mobile Racer Championship, SATASUPEShadowrunSpace Battleship Yamato, Super Happy Sentai Hour, and many more! 

Additionally I will likely go over the particulars of making games feel 'Anime'.  

Grab some Pocky and a bottle of KIRIN Royal Milk Tea and join me for Japanuary here at Barking Alien!

Ja Mata Ne!

Barking Alien


  1. As I have said elsewhere, I am very excited by this new thematic choice of yours, Adam, and cannot wait to read your thoughts on this fascinating area of gaming that I only have a miniscule familiarity with.

    1. Thanks Tim.

      I've been feeling a little lost creatively of late. No one thing has both grabbed my attention and inspired me until very recently. That thing is my long time fascination and love of Anime/Manga, Tokusatsu, Japanese culture and history.

      We'll see where it takes us.
