Over the last 47 years, I've created a lot of cool weapons as GM and wielded more than a few through my PCs. I've also seen a ton in the hands of my fellow PCs, as well as NPCs both allied and hostile, under a variety of GMs. Picking one in particular to spotlight is difficult but I'll try.
As awesome as some of these weapons may be, I don't want to repeat the telling of ones I've described in the past, no matter how memorable they may be. Ceren-Dee's 'Blue Dragon's Tongue' and the individually customized Proton Packs of the Ghostbusters: Home Office crew are just a couple of examples. I'm looking to tell you about a combat tool I haven't yet discussed. Hmm. Let me check the Barking Alien Armory. *Rummaging noises* Huh. This ones interesting.
The Open Key
'When the Forces of Nature and the Laws of Physics got together to create the Multiverse, they found the most difficult part of the project to be keeping it all organized. In a stroke of what could have been genius, the Laws and Forces carefully placed many of the elements they needed in the Storage Room of Eternity. Unfortunately, concerned that someone might try to break-in and steal something - even though no one yet existed to do so - the Laws of Physics put the Lock of Infinite Combinations on the Storage Room. This insured no one could get in. Not the non-existent thieves and certainly not the Forces or the Laws. Oh. Oh dear.
Luckily, the Forces of Nature had anticipated their associate's paranoia and created The Open Key. With this miracle device, the Forces and the Laws were able to access the contents of the Storage Room of Eternity without needing to go inside it themselves or even be anywhere near it. An eon later, give or take, once the project was finished and the Multiverse complete, the Forces and the Laws misplaced the Open Key and, like all lost keys, it was never to be seen by them again.
The Open Key has turned up time and again throughout the history of the Multiverse's existence and then promptly lost again as that is just how it is with keys. Often the Key has fallen into the wrong hands many times as, quite frankly, that's all hands. If you do find it, you will surely lose it again before long so use it wisely. You can also use it unwisely if you really want to. Hey, most of us only live once, right?
To use the Open Key the holder must pantomime sticking it into a keyhole. Before or as you turn the key, you must declare what you are opening and in some cases a few particulars as will be explained below. This must be spoken out loud. As you turn the key you'll feel some resistance and hear the echoing sounds of 'unlocking'. The key's effects will then immediately take place.
The following uses of the Open Key have been reported but there are a nigh-infinite number of others (please share any you may encounter):
Open Fire: This causes a barrage of fiery energy bolts to rain down upon the region. The bolts have both heat and kinetic force and explode on impact with any solid matter. If no target it designated, the flame bolts fall randomly upon everyone in a 100 ft. radius of the Keyholder. The bolts will never strike the being holding the key themselves however. The more proper way to use this would be to call out, 'Open Fire on Lord Evil-Lot and his Shadow Army'. This ensures the attack will only hurt Evil-Lot and his forces. Its fine. They deserve it.
Open Dialogue or Open to Discussion: Everyone within a hundred feet of the Keyholder will suddenly pay attention them, clearly hear them when they speak regardless of any other noises or similar distractions. In addition, language will not be a barrier. Everyone present will understand they who have opened the discussion.
Open the Floodgates: This floods the area with water, so much and so quickly it can knock people and animals off their feet and send wagons and carts floating down a newly raging river. If you use this near a freshwater river the water will be freshwater. If you do it near the seashore it will be saltwater. If used in a desert and the keyholder wasn't thinking of any particular type, flip a coin to determine salt or freshwater. The being holding the Key and anyone roughly 20 ft around them will find the ground they were standing on to be suddenly raised, elevated above the water level.
Open Road: Allows for travel anywhere within a given universe, dimension, or alternative reality. It can not be used to travel, for example, from the Corridor Dimension to Universe Alpha-1. It can be used to go from anywhere in the Corridor Dimension to anywhere else in the Corridor Dimension. The Keyholder must declare their destination along with speaking the command. One could take out the Open Key, starting the 'unlocking' process, and say, "Open Road to Gamma Reticuli II", and they would see a bright path on the ground. Stepping onto it, they will instantaneously find themselves on the second planet in the Gamma Reticuli system. The path remains open for only 30 seconds or so and can be used by others after the Keyholder but they must hurry. We haven't got all day you know.
Open Sesame: This allows access into any edifice. The structure need not have a door, window, or any other opening. The wall in front of the Keyholder will simply slide away as if it was built that way and then they and their allies may enter. There does need to be an inside to the target to go to. You can not Open Sesame into a place you could not walk around in.
Open to Suggestion: Before activating this effect, the user of the Open Key decides who it is they wish to make a suggestion to. It can be more than one person but it does not effect everyone in your vicinity the way Open to Discussion does. Generally the wielder of the Key would think, 'I want to make a suggestion to the store owner' or 'I want to make a suggestion to those gathered around the Coffeemaker'. Once the effect is 'unlocked', the Keyholder can make a suggestion to their target and said target (or targets) will be forced to seriously consider the suggestion, viewing the Keyholder in a positive light as purtains to giving honest, well thought out feedback and ideas. This does not guarantee agreement with the suggestion. It eliminates bias and personal feelings on the matter, causing the receipients to view the idea given in a neutral, logical, and yet compassionate manner.
Open Your Mind: Activating this effect can be overwhelming for most mortal users, requiring strong mental discipline, and focus. Use of this effect enables the Keyholder to perceive the thoughts of one or more people, potentially encompassing anyone within the wielder's line of sight. In addition to thoughts, it is possible to see through their eyes, hear what they're hearing, search recent memories, and generally possess a form of limited though considerable clairsentience. As noted, it is easy to get confused and overstimulated by this and zeroing in on a specific thought, perception, or feeling is tricky at best. Good luck with that.
Currently the Open Key is in the possession of...wait...damn...where'd I leave my keys?
The Open Key and everything related to it comes from a Tales from the Floating Vagabond game campaign I ran back in 1991 or '92.
Barking Alien
BONUS FEATURE: Day 8 of the official RPGaDay 2024 Prompts:
An accessory, eh? Like Dice? I mean, I have dice I like, though its been ages since I was really a collector of them the way some gamers are. Besides, I'm gaming online these days. Online die rolling is common.
I don't use a dice tray these days for the reason noted above. A GM's screen? Haven't used one of those in decades. Beyond the rulebooks and source material everything else is on computer. That's it, I appreciate my computer.
Well...that was...a prompt.
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