Saturday, September 7, 2024

Wild Blue Yonder

Inspired by a comment on my previous post by the illustrious Lord Blacksteel, I am not only adjusting and further expanding my Smurfs RPG setting but also changing the original scenario I was planning to what amounts to a prequel to itself. The result would make an excellent catalyst to a full campaign but that's me getting ahead of myself. 

Smurf this out...

A feature of the Smurfs RPG is that each PC gets points towards building and customizing their very own Smurf House.

The in-game universe explanation for this is pretty brilliant; while normally hidden from Humanity by enchantments, Gargamel occasionally finds the Smurf Village through magic, trickery, or whathaveyou. He did this recently, sometime prior to your first session, and ended up destroying several Smurf Houses including yours. Now you get the chance to rebuild. 


At the start of my adventure, Papa Smurf will inform the Village that they are out of the unique mushrooms that Smurfs use to make houses. Fret not my little Smurfs! According to an ancient tome on Smurf Herbology there are said to be mushroom house mushrooms to the East across the River to the Sea in The Hidden Valley.

All that is needed is for a group of brave Smurfs to travel to the Hidden Valley and see if it can spare the resources they require. Luckily, our Smurf PCs are perfectly suited for this expedition. 

Lookout Smurf has a ship to sail across The River to the Sea and can use his Spyglass to search for the valley.

SCIENCE! Smurf should be able to determine which species of fungi is the correct one they're looking for.

Sir Smurfsalot has sworn to protect his friends! There may also be a connection between the Hidden Valley and his personal quest (more on that soon enough).

Spacey Smurf (NPC) is an explorer by nature and just so happens to be one of the Smurfs most familiar with 'Outer Space'. Lookout Smurf is another.

Outer Space being any areas of the Cursed Lands outside the Smurf Village.

Now, the crux of my idea is that once the Smurf PCs find The Hidden Valley (assuming they can) they will discover a long lost secret of the Smurfs. What they do with this knowledge will give direction to the game's narrative going forward (if indeed it does go beyond this first scenario). 

Between leaving the Smurf Village and hopefully locating the Hidden Valley our intrepid Smurfs will face numerous challenges, not the least of which is The River to the Sea itself! There's also the Weather, Beasts, and perhaps even a certain desperate dark magician and his cat...

What do you think? 

Barking Alien

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