Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Blue World

You're not going to Smurfing believe this but...

Back in 2011 I came up with a Smurfs RPG based on a heavily modified version of Faery's Tale Deluxe that I put together for the purpose of, well, making a Smurfs RPG. We were only able to run a couple sessions before various issues made continuing too difficult (something I definitely lament). I did a lot of research and development for our Smurfs campaign, blending the original comic strips created by Peyo with the folklore and culture of France, Belgium, and other surrounding regions. 

Now it seems Maestro Media is making an official The Smurfs Roleplaying Game (featuring a Backerlit and Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign). I am unfamiliar with Maestro Media, though I believe they previously produced a Smurfs related board game. Very little information has been provided regarding the game, though there is this from the Backerlit post: 

'Are you ready for a smurftastic adventure!? Sign up for updates on our upcoming Kickstarter campaign for The Smurfs: Roleplaying Game and we'll send you the Quick-Start Guide digital PDF for FREE! It's 18 pages of Smurfy goodness and will provide you the core rules of the RPG and an introductory adventure called 'Papa Smurf Goes Missing'!

Be sure to also Follow our preview page on Kickstarter and join our private Smurfs RPG Design Group on Facebook! Links to these will be sent to you shortly via email.

The Maestro Team'

Obviously I am very interested. I'm pretty sure this will be a very different game from the one I made. This seems more aimed at kids and closer to classic comic strips and animated series. I definitely like the dice depicted in the image above. 

More information as it becomes available.

Smurf you next time!

Barking Alien

*Post title a reference to 'Blue World' by who else? The Moody Blues.

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