Friday, July 26, 2024

Now Hear Me Out...

I was thinking about generating my own questions and/or prompts for this year's RPGaDay Challenge when suddenly I realized I'd made this...

The odd numbers are Prompts, done in 'classic' RPGaDay style; just one word that can be taken and interperted however you wish. 

The even numbers are Questions, though not really. They're actually more like discussion points or requests for participants to share an aspect of their game(s) with the larger RPG community. At least that's the hope. 

What do you all think? Any better than the official ones? Same old thing? Let me know. I am curious to get some feedback.


Barking Alien


  1. That's really cool. If I was in a better RPG headspace (and more prepared) I'd certainly take up this challenge (maybe next year, who can tell?). Personally, I have no issues with the "official" prompts, but your mix is certainly intriguing. I hope you're now going to answer/respond to your own prompts & questions on a daily basis next month.

    1. I think I will.

      I wrote this with the goal of making an RPGaDay prompt list I find more inspiring to respond to than the official one and wouldn't you know it, I feel I achieved that goal.

      I may be a bit biased but then again...shouldn't I be? That was the point.

  2. I just mentioned to my wife that I might make my own RPGaDay prompts so I can participate this year, and then I saw this! You may have saved me the trouble...
