Saturday, August 5, 2023

RPGaDay Challenge 2023 - Day 5 and 12

Oldest game I've played?

Given the history and nature of the RPG Hobby, this seems oddly worded. I mean, are we looking at a game I played a long time ago so that now it's considered old or one I first played when it was already an old game? 

The oldest game I've ever played wasn't old at the time. It's was the Holmes version of Basic Dungeons and Dragons, which was brand new in 1977. 

As far as old games I still play...there are a lot. I am currently running Champions, specifically Fourth Edition, which is the edition I've been running since it came out in 1989. Just this year I've run Ars Magica 3rd Edition - 1992, Star Wars D6 2nd Edition - 1992, and my classic Traveller/MegaTraveller hybrid - 1977 / 1987 and my modifications from 1987 to the late 90s.

I run a lot of old games. If I really like a game, I run it. If it works, I keep running. That could last 10, 20, 30, or however many years it stays fun. I don't usually switch to new editions or versions of a game unless they are dramatically different, dramatically better, both, or just do something particularly interesting to me.  


Barking Alien



  1. I hadn't realized that WEG's Star Wars Second Edition came out in 1992. For some reason I thought it was a year or two earlier (when I was playing Star Wars). We must have used the earlier edition and I just don't remember it.

    1. It's crazy, right?

      Even more wacky, check this out:

      My buddy Joe found some of our home made Ghostbusters RPG Character Sheets from before that game's Second Edition, Ghostbusters International, came out in 1989. We'd added house rules and expanded the skills and it looks sooo much like Star Wars' Second Edition its uncanny!
