Tuesday, August 8, 2023

RPGaDay Challenge 2023 - Day 8


My previous response to the same question covered my favorite Player Character of my own creation. This time I'll talk about one of my favorite Non-Player Characters that I've come up with.

I considered discussing a favorite PC from one of my players over the years or NPCs another GM created but there are other blog challenge events where those might come up. Forgive me for indulging my own materials would you? Thank you. You're too kind.

OK, favorite NPC of mine. Here goes...


Barkley is essentially the mascot character of this blog, the quintessential, literal interpretation of a 'Barking Alien'. He started life as an impromptu NPC created during the first session of what would come to be my one and only Galaxy Quest homebrew campaign way back in 1999.

Since then he's appeared as a Non-Player Character in different variations for games set in such universes as those of The Orville, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Traveller. He shows up on this blog from time to time as either the voice of reason when I go off ranting or he allows me a outlet to voice my opinions in a humorous manner while 'Adam' remains calm and collected.

Lastly, Barkley's image is part of the logo for Barking Alien Productions and is seen quite often here on the blog in many alternative iterations to liven up the text of a a given post. 

So what makes him my favorite character? Well, that's tricky to explain, as no two versions of Barkley used in my games are exactly the same.

Traveller Barkley is a retired Vargr adventurer who claims to be a member of a 'rare sub-species' with green fur hailing from either deep within or far beyond the Extents depending on the day you ask him. His is a restaurant/bar owner, a collector of rare objects and information, and is a generally good natured fellow on the side of whomever or whatever most benefits the safety of himself, his business, and his space station home.

Star Wars Barkley owned and operated a landing bay and repair shop on the planet Gardine in a role akin to that of Peli Motto on The Mandalorian. This incarnation of Barkley was of an unknown species and seemed a bit more shifty than Traveller Barkley, though definitely less conniving than the original, Galaxy Quest Barkley. 

In each and every variation he tends to be clever, charming, a bit on the sly side, and usually self interested (at first at least). He is also shown to be good natured and willing to help others as long as it also helps him. Over time, his true goodness always comes through even if he refuses to ever believe the universe doesn't revolve around himself. 

Say the post is over Barkley.

"The post is over Barkley."

Thanks, pal.

"Your welcome. Now let's talk dinner. What are you making us?"

Barking Alien


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